The Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) has announced a new call for projects on the Lead Agency evaluation principle.


The Technology Centre CAS, in cooperation with Charles University, throws an online workshop for MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships applicants.


Due to the situation caused by the pandemic, the Presidium of the Czech Science Foundation (GA CR) has approved a number of new measures in order to help investigators and their teams to manage the situation. Further information is available here.


Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR) has announced a third public tender for the Programme "DOPRAVA 2020+".


A new call for proposals to promote mutual mobility of scientists has been announced.


The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) throws an online workshop where relevant EU funding programmes supporting science for policymaking will be presented.


ERC has published preliminary dates of its calls for proposals for 2022.


The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences in Prague (CEFRES)/CNRS have announced the third call for applications for the TANDEM programme.


A new call for proposals to promote mutual mobility of scientists has been announced.


A new call for proposals to promote mutual mobility of scientists has been announced.



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