Datum odevzdání: 12-06-2023
A new call was announced within the Mobility Projects (MP) and Mobility Plus Projects (MPP).
Based on concluded bilateral agreements on scientific cooperation, it is possible from 11. 4. 2023 to 12. 6. 2023 to submit proposals for projects of international cooperation with the following foreign partner organizations of the ASCR within the framework of the Mobility Projects (MP) and Mobility Plus Projects (MPP). Implementation of approved projects will start from 1. 1. 2024.
Project proposals can be submitted online here.
More information can be found here: https://www.avcr.cz/cs/veda-a-vyzkum/mezinarodni-vztahy/podporovane-aktivity/Aktualne-vypsane-spoluprace/
Kontaktní osoba
Ing. Michaela Heidlerová – Project Manager
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +420 221 183 565
místnost 104