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Datum odevzdání: 28-06-2023
Training for MSCA Doctoral Networks organized by the Technology Center in cooperation with the MSCA-NET project.
Datum odevzdání: 27-06-2023
The Prague Technology Centre organises an online seminar on the issue of personal costs in the Horizon Europe programme.
Datum odevzdání: 28-06-2023
TA ČR and the Ministry of Transport announced the 1st call for proposals in the programme DOPRAVA 2030 + to support applied research and innovation in the field of transport.
Datum odevzdání: 14-07-2023
On 24 May 2023, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports launched a call for proposals for projects at international level in the Programme I-E II, the INTER-EUREKA sub-programme.
Datum odevzdání: 04-04-2023
The GACR contests have been announced for the year 2024. The deadline for submission of proposals is 4 April 2023.
Datum odevzdání: 22-12-2022
The Czech Science Foundation launched an international Czech-Polish call with the beginning of the solution in 2024.
Datum odevzdání: 16-01-2023
A call for proposals in the programme Excellence in Research OP JAK was launched.
Call for appllication for J. William Fulbright Commission scholarships has been announced.
Datum odevzdání: 14-04-2023
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports announced a public competition in research, development and innovation for the implementation of the programme projects of the ERC CZ research, development and innovation programme.
Datum odevzdání: 31-05-2023
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic announces a call for applications for grants for the implementation of bilateral research, development and innovation projects Czech-France within the activity Supporting the Mobility of Researchers and Women Workers within International Cooperation in R&D&I.